I cannot express to you how excited I am to finally have found this recipe!! Do you remember this popcorn? My Grandmother made this countless times for us. She would bring a recycled ice cream pail full of it to family gatherings, parties or she'd just have some prepared for us grand kids when we'd come to visit. My sweet Grandmother passed away many years ago and I haven't been able to find the recipe... until yesterday! I have tried several other recipes I've found on the web and non of them produced the result I was looking for. One of them even produced a wet coating similar to caramel corn (this is that amazing popcorn that dries and tastes like candy =). If you, like me, ever ate this as a child then this popcorn will take you back in time. There are so many memories attached to this recipe. For those of you who haven't tried it before, now is the time! It is for kids and adults alike. I'm pretty sure I ate at least half the bowl in one sitting =). This is the perfect treat for a party, gift giving, holidays (as you can choose the color), movie watching and just any time you need a delicious addictive treat! I hope you become as excited as me about this recipe! You'll be fighting for the flakes straggling behind in the bowl (those are my favorite =).

Old Fashioned Pink Popcorn
2/3 cup popcorn kernels, popped
2 cups granulated sugar
2/3 cup half and half
1 Tbsp light corn syrup
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
6 drops red food coloring (or any other color you'd like)
Pour popped popcorn into two very large mixing bowls, set aside. In a large saucepan whisk together sugar, half and half, corn syrup and salt. Cook over medium high heat, stirring constantly until sugar has dissolved. Heat mixture to 232 degrees, stirring occasionally. Immediately remove from heat and pour in vanilla and food coloring. Drizzle mixture over popped popcorn. Gently stir popcorn until mixture is evenly coated and coating begins to dry (you'll notice the popcorn kernels separating). Pour mixture onto waxed paper and allow to dry about 20 minutes. Store in an airtight container.
Recipe adapted from