Thursday, July 16, 2015

Hakka Abacus Beads by Janet Liew

400-500 gsm yam (cut into big chunk & steam till soft)
300-400 gsm tapioca flour (qty depend on yam wetness)
Salt & pepper to taste

1) steam yam till soft, add salt & pepper.
2) add tapioca flour into mixture to form a non-sticky dough
3) shape dough into bite-size balls & dimple center to make it look like abacus
4) boil a pot of water
5) when water boils, drop abacus into water to cook. Once it float in pot, abacus is done
6) drain & leave it in aside

250 gsm minced pork
2 pcs taukwa (cut into cubes) & deep fried til brown
4 pcs chinese mushrooms (soak, diced)
2-3 tbsp dried prawns (soak & minced)
3 garlic (minced)
1 palm size black fungus (shredded)
1 small dried cuttlefish (soak & shredded finely)
1/2 cup chicken stock/water
Salt & pepper to taste
My FIL's secret recipe:
2 tbsp flat-fish powder
(Toast flat fish in oven til crunch, cool down & blend it into powder)

1) fried taukwa, set aside
2) fried mushrooms, season to taste w/ pinch salt, pepper & sugar
3) fried garlic, till fragrant, add dried prawns
4) add abacus, black fungus, cuttlefish
5) add in balance ingredients & fried
6) add chicken stock/water to stew it for about two minutes
7) before u switch off fire, sprinkle abacus/ flat-fish powder
8) garnish & serve

(PS: I hv omitted cuttlefish in tis instance as my family not a fan of cuttlefish)


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